to Houseman Acres Homestead
Located in Madison County, Upstate NY.
Our homestead is based out of a genuine love and interest
for all things holistic, healthy, and pasture raised.
We take pride in the care our animals receive and it is our
joy and passion to share our livestock with others.
Our goat herd is a clean tested and closed herd.
Has always tested negative for CAE, CL, and Johnes.
We are currently milking, breeding, raising, and selling ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats.
This small breed of dairy goat is recognized for their high butterfat content in their creamy milk and for each goat to have a unique, friendly personality. FI MiniNubians and F1 MiniManchas here also!
We are also in our fourth year breeding and selling registered Kune Kune pigs, registered through both the IKHR and AKKPS registries . Not only do these pigs thrive on being pasture raised while being easy on the ground and gentle with their surroundings - but they are excellent with children and other livestock.
Free- range chickens, ducks & guinea hens available seasonally!